Hey Everyone Jay here
Since i launched Shodh (Stock Research platform made by me) was getting this same question asked from a lot of people on Twitter DMs that how can i make my own site & community
Lets answer that in Today’s Post
Lets divide this post into 2 parts one which talks on how to make your own site & other on how to make your own community
We further divide this section into static sites & dynamic sites
Static Sites
So if u want to make your own site first question you need to ask yourself is “for what” ?? Like what is the reason for which you are making your site
Lets take an example to understand this
9-10 months ago when i was thinking of making my own newsletter , i only wanted to write articles over this site , And at that time i didn’t know coding that well too
Hence i decided to go around with Substack.com (Platform from which YOU are receiving & viewing this article )
The special thing with substack is - It was free & no-code site. That meant i didn’t had to code the whole site , I just had to customize few stuff like - Logo, newsletter name , email etc etc
Their are many alternatives to Substack as well to make your blog like Wordpress , mailchimp , etc etc. You can pick whichever you want as per YOUR need .
Dynamic Sites
Many of you might have seen Shodh , The stock research platform which i launched which was a lot more advanced than just a newsletter and had many many dynamic features like- Watchlist creation, Login , Each Stock’s individual pages and much more
And as you can guess those can’t just be made on wordpress & substack hence i had to look for something out of the box
At that time i didn’t know full stack development (Required to make a site from scratch and coding it) , I was only good at Python. Hence coding a site from scratch didn’t make sense . Hence looked for other no-code tools.
And then i found bubble.io a no-code site maker where u can make your own POWERFUL no-code sites. That means u could do all the dynamic things i mentioned above without knowing how to code using this tool.
If you want to make your own bubble.io app then you can learn how to use their interface using their own tutorials on their YT Channel and U can also follow these Channels from which i learned a lot of things about bubble.io
Making your own community is also a very difficult task although not anymore now with Avalon Scenes . Think of it as a Bubble.io & Discord.com combination to make your own communities .Scenes is the ultimate community platform for enterprises, educators and creators alike to build a social engagement suite.
You can do a bunch of cool stuff on Avalon Scenes with your community like -
Organize & host many events
Make different channels for different interests of people
Chat personally with members of community
Distribute & Allocate coins to members of community
Get into a Metaverse environment with community members (My Favorite)
And many many more things . And Varun Mayya (Co-Founder of Avalon Scenes ) with his recent tweets has also announced that they are also coming up with more features like Shops & Paywalls which can be accessed from the community coins that you have.
Avalon scenes is a very powerful platform to make your own community and hence can’t be covered in a single article hence i want you all to explore their platform Yourself and get to know more about it . Site Link - https://www.buildonscenes.com/
I hope this article added value to your life,